About this project

Jim Burton Architects is an award-winning Seattle modern architecture firm dedicated to integrating sustainability and modern design. Jim’s design process is a collaborative one. He tries to develop a team mindset in his projects the with homeowners, and ultimately with the contractor too, while putting the clients’ goals and interests first.

This desire for a collaborative approach led him to Hang Wire when he decided to revamp his website. He had previously worked with a large downtown firm that was unresponsive to his customer service needs in addition to charging ‘downtown’ prices simple maintenance work. He decide Hang Wire would be a better fit his needs. Hang Wire Web Design shares his values of local and personal relationships. Like Jim, Hang Wire Web has grown over the past 17 years through word of mouth and commitment to our long term clients.

Hang Wire Web Design collaborated with Jim to design and develop a clean and modern website that puts the spotlight directly on his award winning work. Simple, elegant, user friendly and mobile ready, Hang Wire created a website that will take Jim’s architecture firm to the next level. Contact us to see what we can do for you!

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